Don't blame my delusions for my undeniable grandeur.

Don't blame my delusions for my undeniable grandeur.

Who? Me.

Born in a college town. Schooled by experience, experiment, and some bad-assed educators. Laughed often enough to induce bellyaches. Saw corners of the world and plotted to see more. Donned unusual and indulgent garb, on occasion with success. Spent an ungodly amount on concerts, sofas, and shoes. Developed skills completely unrequired for modern life. Befriended the strange and the supposedly irredeemable and introduced them to the kind-hearted and inspiring. Admired scholars and emulated makers. Followed intuition and sparkly bits. Now and again kept company with agitators, rabble-rousers, and a merry band of trouble-makers. Occasionally played all three roles. Remained ever optimistic and always in search of the next adventure. Tended to speak in the past tense even when in the middle of the story.

Make a Shea of your very own.


2 parts - Silver Linings 

3 parts - Curiosity

.5 parts - Doubt

1 part - Short-term Memory Failure

.75 - parts Intellectual Dexterity

1 part - Sense of Humor

2 parts - Gratitude

1.75 parts - Peculiar Fashion Sense


Toss together in a large mixing bowl until all ingredients are evenly distributed. Let the mix rest for at least two hours but no longer than 40 years.

NOTE: It's a crap shoot. There is a fifty percent chance you just ruined a bowl.